Grow Your Own Way

Are You Displaying Toxic Positivity?

March 12, 2023 Kevin Roberts
Are You Displaying Toxic Positivity?
Grow Your Own Way
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Grow Your Own Way
Are You Displaying Toxic Positivity?
Mar 12, 2023
Kevin Roberts

This episode focuses on the dangers of Toxic Positivity which, despite sounding like a Britney Spears song, could be doing a lot more harm than we realise. How often have you said or heard phrases such as "Don't worry about it, things will turn out OK in the end"? 

Throughout this episode we explore what impact these 'positive phrases' could be having on us, as well the difference they can make to our happiness and our health. We also discuss ways to prevent toxic positivity from creeping into our thinking and our conversations.

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Grow with Kevin

Thanks for listening and remember to Grow Your Own Way!

Show Notes

This episode focuses on the dangers of Toxic Positivity which, despite sounding like a Britney Spears song, could be doing a lot more harm than we realise. How often have you said or heard phrases such as "Don't worry about it, things will turn out OK in the end"? 

Throughout this episode we explore what impact these 'positive phrases' could be having on us, as well the difference they can make to our happiness and our health. We also discuss ways to prevent toxic positivity from creeping into our thinking and our conversations.

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Grow with Kevin

Thanks for listening and remember to Grow Your Own Way!